Corporate Parents: What you need to know
Who are your Corporate Parents?
East Renfrewshire Council has a group of Champions, that is made of young people and key decision makers in the council. These Champions (the key decision makers), along with the whole of East Renfrewshire Council are your Corporate Parents.
What is Corporate Parenting?
In 2014 the Scottish Government passed a law called the 2014 Children and Young People Scotland Act. This new law named certain organisations and set out that they had parental responsibility to support all looked after young people in Scotland. Some of the Corporate Parents named in the Act are:
- Scottish Government
- All Local Authorities – Such as East Renfrewshire Council
- The NHS
- Schools, Colleges and Universities
- Emergency services like the police
- Many more…
What this means for you and what you can expect
Under the law they must all work together to give you the same level of care, support, security and opportunities as a good parent would. They should do what is needed to make sure you are properly cared for, safe, healthy and encourage you to succeed.
There are some specific duties mentioned in the law that East Renfrewshire and all other corporate parents should be fulfilling.
One example is to assess your needs e.g. Find out what you need to do well at school or college. Or what you need to be happy and healthy at home. Then see what they can do to help.
More duties of Corporate Parents
To be Alert and notice if you need help. Showing an understanding of what it’s like for you in care and talk to you about problems you might have and work with other
corporate parents to help you.
To Promote your interest and create Opportunities that support your wellbeing. Like standing up for your rights to make sure you are treated the same as everyone else. Making sure there are opportunities for you to take part in things like sport, music or drama, training, and employment.
To act and make sure you can access these opportunities. Such as ensure you have the money and transport to get to these opportunities and help with things like appointments and applications if you need it.
To work together to Improve things for care experienced young people. This means having a plan and talking to you about it and keeping track of how they are doing and always getting your feedback.
How the Champions Board fits in with Corporate Parenting
Being part of the Champions Board is just one of the ways our Champions as Corporate Parents are learning to strive for the best for you, finding out what could be done better and what you need. They want to work together with you, to make sure your services and experiences are better. Please ask your social worker if you would like more information about the Champions Board. East Renfrewshire Council and all the other named Corporate Parents have a duty and responsibility to look after you!
Could you be a Corporate Parent in East Renfrewshire?
East Renfrewshire young people seek Corporate Parents to provide us with the care, guidance and support we might need to overcome some of the barriers we face.
The ideal candidates will need to ensure that the rights of the children and young people in their care are heard and respected. They will do this by promoting our best interests, providing us with opportunities and making sure we get this help when we need it. Download our Job Description!