Education Scotland - Signposting, Advice and Support - ER Champs Board

Education Scotland – Signposting, Advice and Support

Education Scotland - Help, Advice and Support

Signposting for teachers, parents, and children and young people from groups of who may be more vulnerable during this time of school closures and social isolation.

Children who are: Risks or concerns Available advice and support
·       looked after at home ·       strain on or breakdown of relationships

·       strain due to financial/employment instability of primary carer

·       lack of confidence/capacity of parent to support wellbeing/education of child

·       lack of parental control and ability to ensure YP self-isolates/stays in

·       child protection issues

·       worry about upcoming Children’s Hearing

Advice for:

Parents and Children and Young People

·       Local Social Work Offices (email/telephone)

·       Out of hours Social Work (email/telephone)

·       Barnardo’s

·       SCRA: Coronavirus and your Hearing

Children and Young People

·       Childline

·       in kinship or foster care ·       strain on or breakdown of relationships

·       strain due to financial/employment instability of primary carer

·       breakdown of placement

·       lack of carer’s control and ability to ensure YP self-isolates/stays in

·       lack of confidence/capacity of carer to support wellbeing/education of child

·       worry about upcoming Children’s Hearing

Advice for:

Kinship and Foster carers

·       Fosterline

·       Kinship Care Scotland

Parents, Carers and Young People

·       SCRA: Coronavirus and your Hearing

·       in a residential unit or school ·       group living ->higher risk of social contact and spread of virus

·       loss of placement due to unit closure (for financial reasons or due to virus)

·       strain on or breakdown of relationships

·       lack of stability and unit unsettled due to high staff absence

·       high levels of anxiety in staff and CYP

·       increased risk of mental health issues such as self-harming

·       worry about upcoming Children’s Hearing

·       breakdown of placement

Advice for:

Local Authority Staff

Link to Children’s rights teams

Parents and Care Services

·       Information and guidance for care services and parents about Covid 19/school closures/staffing

Parents, Carers and Young People

·       SCRA: Coronavirus and your Hearing

·       in a secure care facility ·       Last 3 points above plus

·       Increased risk of seclusion for long periods of time (due to contraction of virus or lack of staff to safely supervise)

·       high levels of anxiety in staff and CYP

·       increased risk of mental health issues eg. self-harming and professional support for this

·       worry about upcoming trial/children’s hearing

Advice for:

Parents and Care Services :

·       Care Inspectorate: Information and guidance for care services about Covid 19/staffing

Parents, Carers, and Children and Young People

·       SCRA: Coronavirus and your Hearing

·       complex ASNs ·       strain on or breakdown of relationships

·       strain due to financial/employment instability of primary carer

·       reduced contact with services to support care routines and moving and handling/postural management routines

·       increased risk of muscular-skeletal deterioration, bowel and chest management and cardio-vascular wellbeing due to reduced access to postural management equipment.

Advice for:

Teachers, Parents, and Children and Young People

·       Afasic– National charity for Developmental Language Disorders offering advice , information and support.

·       Autism Toolbox – new Covid 19 information page

·       British Academy of Childhood Disability – Resources

·       CALL Scotland – symbol resources explaining Covid 19

·       CHAS – Support for those with life shortening conditions

·       ENABLE supporting disabled individuals

·       ENQUIRE: General advice – ASL

·       Mencap – how to involve children in decision making

·       PAMIS –Support and services for those with profound and multiple learning difficulties

·       The Sensory Projects –  COVID 19 educational resources for home-schooling

·       Wellchild – National Charity for sick children

·       deaf learners ·       deaf parents may find home-schooling difficult

·       limited access to information and online learning suitable for deaf learners (or parents)

·       lack of ongoing mentoring/advocacy support as deaf learners often need face to face support

·       lack of targeted information in BSL

Advice for:

Parents and Children and Young People

·       BSL video with Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance

·       BSL glossary of subject terms

·       BSL – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Social Distancing You Tube

·       BSL users access to the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service (VRS) 24 / 7

·       British Deaf Association Mentoring Officer Email: [email protected]

·       anxious or have mental health issues ·       raised anxiety leading to distressed behaviours, such as, withdrawal, risk taking, self-harming, …

·       lack of access to protective factors, such as, familiar places, people, routines…

·       lack of confidence or capacity of parents/carers to support their child or young person with their anxiety.mental health or the resulting behaviour

·       increase in anxiety or regression in mental health as isolation period progresses

Advice for:

·       Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for children, families and professionals

Young People

·       Young minds

·       Mind for better mental health

·       Childline – Your Feelings


·       NSPCC – Keeping Children Safe

·       young carers ·       full time caring responsibilities may increase  levels of stress over time

·       lack of confidence/capacity of parent to support wellbeing/education of child

·       lack of practical support for care of parent/sibling

·       at risk of anxiety/mental health issues (see below)

·       anxiety about lack of qualifications due to absence or poor performance due to effect of caring responsibilities

·       lack of connection with or ability to review carer’s statement

Advice for:

Unpaid carers

·       Scottish Government advice about Covid-19

Teachers/Parents/Young Carer’s:

·       Supporting Young Carers in Education

·       Carer’s Trust

Young Carer’s:

Young Scot (NB. Young Carer’s Grants available)

·       SQA website for guidance about exams/coursework

·       June school leavers ·       anxiety about lack of evidence for true assessment of levels due to previous absence or poor performance

·       pupils studying at N3/4 level – no prelims or potentially coursework due to absence

·       worry that pupils will leave school without entrance requirements for College in September

Advice for:


SQA website for guidance about exams/coursework


Useful mixed resources and guidance from Association of Scottish Principle Educational Psychologists