Health and Wellbeing Update - East Renfrewshire Champions Board
Health and Wellbeing April 2020 Update

Many of you have been stuck at home for over a week now. We hope you are enjoying all the work being set by your school staff. Please take care of your health too – you will get a lot more out of your school work if you feel good! Here are some more ideas help keep you happy and healthy…

Physical Health

Step away from your phone! (after checking out these links.)

PE with Joe Wicks

Worth another plug – and it gets you out of bed in the morning.

Play Scotland

Boredom Busters is a new app for 8-12 year olds from Play Scotland to get children playing more in different ways.

Five ways to keep active

Want to keep kids healthy, happy and active? Check out these ideas from the BBC to exercise through play, keeping children moving.

BBC Gardening

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, make the most of it as Spring kicks in. It’s good exercise and any fresh air is good at the moment.

BBC Food

As well as staying active, eating well is also important. Here are some healthy recipes that kids will love.

Mental Health

Keep in touch with your family and friends. Try not to stay in your room all day – this is a great time to do things at home as a family that you might not always have time for. When was the last time you played a board game or card game together? We know families who are watching every Harry Potter or Star Wars film together, and they are just as good as they were the first time! Take a break from news and social media and focus on your health. Maybe try out an app such as Headspace, Mindshift or Safespot. (Note – there could be charges.)

Healthier Minds

Healthier Minds is East Renfrewshire’s guide to supporting the mental wellbeing of children and young people. You can download the Healthier Minds documents about supporting children’s mental wellbeing. The new ‘Talking about Covid-19’ section is being updated regularly by Educational Psychology Service and links are provided to other useful websites. There are some good social stories and short films which explain coronavirus to children and young people why they must remain at home. There is also some relaxation strategies and advice about coping with anxiety. There is an Activities section for children and young people with additional support needs – these tabs have activities for people with sensory needs, visual impairments, or who use eye gaze technology.

Action for Happiness

How to stay mentally healthy during uncertain times.

Young Minds

Young Minds have a blog with advice and support for young people.

Coronavirus Toolbox

This is from Heads Together – it has lots of useful strategies for children and parents.

NHS Mental Health Helplines

If you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines and support groups can offer expert advice.

Parent Club

This one is more for parents. Parent Club have put together information on how to cope with this huge change and how to protect yourself and others. You can also find the latest updates from NHS Inform website here.

Scottish Book Trust

For parents with younger children, you may have much more time now to read together – what better way to pass the time.

Edinburgh Zoo Penguin Cam

A wee reward to relax after finishing all your online school work!

We will send another update in a few days … good luck with these and stay healthy! The Quality Improvement Team.